Shop Press

Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle.

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Shop Profile: Top Auto Center

Like a clueless lumberjack who couldn’t see the forest for the trees, it took me longer than it should have to figure out the secret to Top Auto Center’s success. It was hiding in plain sight and sound in the overflowing lot of cars and trucks awaiting service, sale...

Are you servicing your car’s oil correctly?

What are the top two causes of premature engine wear and engine component failure? The first is lack of maintenance, specifically going too long between oil changes. Whether you’re taking care of the family grocery hauler or you do this kind of work for a living, it...

No bead seating tank? No problem!

If you’re a tech of a certain age, you’ll remember a time when a bead seating air tank was a somewhat exotic tool. Today, seating low-pro tires that have sidewalls resembling rubber bands is the norm and use of tools beyond the bead seater on the tire machine is the...

What are rear fog lights, and when should you use them?

If you’re a vehicle owner or auto repair professional in the United States, odds are that you haven’t seen (or even used) rear fog lights on a vehicle. The vast majority of vehicles sold in the US do not include them, and in some cases, the feature is disabled or the...

“Hot Rod Magazine: 75 Years” book review

For some reason, my grade school library had a subscription to “Hot Rod” magazine. My suspicion has always been that it was one of the few magazine subscriptions for boys my age that was acceptable to have in the school library. Nevertheless, I spent a lot of time in...

Shop Profile: DeLorean Midwest

As a Gen Xer, I have a soft spot for the “Back to the Future” movies and, of course, the DMC DeLorean used in those movies. Then I learned of DeLorean Midwest, a shop based outside Chicago that specializes in—you guessed it—DeLoreans. Watch this video profile of...

Watch this video on the four stages of grief for mechanics

You’ve likely heard of the psychological model called the five stages of grief. It’s used to describe the various emotions people might experience when dealing with a significant loss, and the the five stages of grief are commonly defined as denial, anger, bargaining,...

The first step I now take in vehicle diagnostics

The following four vehicles (which certainly are varied) all came to me for repair and I did not identify the root of their problems immediately. And that’s because I was staying stuck in my ways and not adapting to changing vehicles. Let’s examine. Situation One: A...

Airbag direction – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)

Airbag direction – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)

Airbag direction – ASE practice questions (VIDEO) Description When placing an airbag on a workbench, which is the safest direction for it to face? A) Up B) Down C) To a wall D) Away from a wall More ASE Practice Questions Airbag direction – ASE practice...
Bump steer – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)

Bump steer – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)

Bump steer – ASE practice questions (VIDEO) Description All of the following could cause bump steer EXCEPT: A) Incorrectly mounted steering rack B) Worn idler arm C) Worn center link D) Incorrect camber More ASE Practice Questions Bump steer – ASE practice...
When NOT selling helps business

When NOT selling helps business

When I was a wee sprat in my first automotive job selling service, I was beleaguered by a tech in the shop who wrote thorough, lengthy estimates. He would occasionally blow up at me for not selling enough, going so far once as to accuse me of not even trying to sell...
Brake drum – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)

Brake drum – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)

Brake drum – ASE practice questions (VIDEO) Description When checking a brake drum during service, all the following should be checked EXCEPT: A) Diameter B) Out-of-roundness C) Minimum thickness D) Taper wear More ASE Practice Questions Why don’t you keep...