Any auto repair shop worth its salt has at least one welding rig to handle all kinds of jobs.

Just because it says “DOT 4” on the bottle doesn’t mean it’s the correct DOT 4 for the vehicle.
The struggle is real for many of your customers.
Props to second place, too.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
A Facebook reel that applies a psychological model to wrenching.
These simple tools can be worth their weight in gold if you know how to use ‘em.
Any auto repair shop worth its salt has at least one welding rig to handle all kinds of jobs.
Exner was responsible for the look of cool cars of the late 1950’s, not just at Chrysler, but at other automakers as well.
What causes brake noise?
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Putting up freight and pulling orders is more than busywork. It’s tuition.
Almost every vehicle on the road has a longer wiper blade on the driver side. On older vehicles, you’ll also see two of the same size wipers working together. But can you think of any models that have the longer wiper blade on the passenger side?
Let’s review some of the icons and oddballs we’ve featured here so far.
What does “MIN THK.” really mean?
Don’t waste your time with codebreaking. Just grab a paint pen.
When the pump automatically shuts off after filling a vehicle’s tank, many people are tempted to add a little more gas. Unfortunately, this can do more harm than good, and the repair bills could add up quickly.
It isn’t the “registration and insurance card box,” after all.
What do you check during drum brake service?