Description When plastic parts break, sometimes replacements can be prohibitively expensive or hard to find. Learn how to use a hot staple tool to salvage broken plastics for auto repairs and other projects.Related Videos
Disclaimer: I purchased this tool at full retail price. In fact, I actually purchased two so I could try out the version with a high-voltage lead.If you’ve met my fellow Shop Press contrib Pete, seen his videos, taken his classes, or read his articles, you’ll know...
Description Coiled wire is a smart idea for adding service loops or mechanical strain relief on automotive electrical jobs or other projects. In three easy steps, you can make your own coiled wire sections for all kinds of applications.
Anyone who knows me is aware I am slavishly beholden to the concept of picking up a book before picking up a wrench. Heck, that’s the cornerstone of Dorman’s own Training Center, and I’ve been preaching that for a long time. I’m not the only person beating that drum....
You know topping off brake fluid is generally a no-no, but when a customer’s brake fluid needs to be flushed completely, knowing what to put in the reservoir isn’t as clear-cut as it once was. The master cylinder cap may say the vehicle uses DOT 4 brake fluid, but are...
The financial burden of owning a vehicle has kept pace with the rising cost of living, which is to say neither is easily affordable for many Americans. As a result, many automotive repair shops are caught in the crossfire as service writers must strike a balance...
Today’s article might score a little lower on technical difficulty and higher on automobilia esoterica, but I make no apologies. In my salad days, I worked as a dismantler at a salvage yard. Pulling motors was commonplace, so I learned quickly about this tip I’m sure...
Today’s article might score a little lower on technical difficulty and higher on automobilia esoterica, but I make no apologies. In my salad days, I worked as a dismantler at a salvage yard. Pulling motors was commonplace, so I learned quickly about this tip I’m sure...
The truck and SUV have never been more prolific than they are today. These vehicles need remarkably different tires depending on a few different factors. Be honest: are you selective about what tire you offer your customers who qualify as “fringe cases?” P-series...
I try to keep my customers’ cars at least as nice as they keep them. You probably do, too. The only problem is that I am perpetually filthy. I have a trick I’ve used for a long time on the occasions I’ve sullied a nice interior with grease or dirt. (I will never...
I’ll hazard a guess you’re familiar with the 24 Hours of Lemons. If not, it’s endurance racing for Joe Sixpack on a severely tight budget ($500). Ridiculous paint jobs are de rigueur. Costumes are encouraged. Everyone sandbags and cheats and tries to fudge the budget...
If you work on cars for a living or you’re a diehard gearhead, odds are excellent that people look to you when some basic automotive snafus need to be handled. I’m sure those who know you have asked you to help with the following items: Reviewing an estimate Jumping a...
When I was a wee sprat in my first automotive job selling service, I was beleaguered by a tech in the shop who wrote thorough, lengthy estimates. He would occasionally blow up at me for not selling enough, going so far once as to accuse me of not even trying to sell...