The Rust Belt and the Salt Belt may sound similar, and you might even hear them used interchangeably, but they are distinct names that any automotive professional or enthusiast should know. Take a few seconds to get the real story on these terms.
Description Spend any amount of time in the auto repair industry, and you’ll hear customers sharing strange ideas about the “right” way to drive and care for their vehicles. We assembled a list of common and confusing advice, then asked the gang to weigh in on some...
While working on some high-intensity discharge (HID) headlights this week, I realized that soon many younger techs are likely to be inexperienced with these lighting systems—and it’s not their fault. In the transition years between halogen lighting and the LED era,...
I was recently off my feet due to some unplanned surgery. Normally I go stalking around the garage like the proverbial bull in the china shop, but not lately—my ankle was a mess. Have you ever had an injury or illness serious enough to impact the way you make a buck?...
Description If your customers can’t easily find your location, hours, or contact information, you’ll clearly struggle to earn their business. That’s why creating and updating your Google Business account is both one of the simplest and most important things you can do...
Description Think you know your dash lights? Shop Press contributors Keith, Miriam, Chris, and Greaser try their best to identify all kinds of lights, symbols, and indicators. Some are easy, others obscure, and a few are even fakes. How many can you identify?Other...
The spark plug has a tough job to do, and it has to do it under extreme conditions. The terminal (top) end of the spark plug is connected to a high voltage supply source, the ignition coil. As current flows from the coil, a voltage potential builds between the center...
Data security is one of the most frequently cited arguments automakers make in their fight against right to repair. For instance, in a memo published last October by their advocacy group, they called a new right to repair ballot initiative in Maine a “monetizable data...
In the world of commercial aircraft, parts are almost always replaced before the end of their expected service lives. Rather obviously, a plane that stops flying mid-flight presents some pretty serious hazards to the health and safety of the passengers and people on...
I learned how to weld when I was about 17. I was not a good welder, but I could operate the machine well enough to get by, and like most of us who can weld, I improved with time and practice. As a young mechanic, I distinctly remember tackling a few projects with...
Almost 80 years ago, the United States Office of Strategic Services, which eventually became the CIA, created a pamphlet to help people living in Nazi-occupied countries discretely undermine the enemy. This Simple Sabotage Field Manual was published in 1944 and...
The easiest way to remove a cotter pin (VIDEO) Description For the longest time I used to remove cotter pins with either a hooked mechanic’s pick or a pair of needle-nose pliers. And when I say a long time, I mean, probably 15 years. Then my friend Zito showed me a...
The in-dash cup holder on certain late ’90s to early 2000s F-150s, Expeditions and Navigators – which also holds an ash tray in some vehicles – has a tendency to break in service, leading to a cupholder that has to be pried into the open position in...
Not every Phillips head fastener is a Phillips head fastener. I believed this was common knowledge until today, when I was speaking with another tech who had no idea what I was talking about, and I relived a lesson from my salad days of wrenching. Many moons ago, when...
Way back when, torque specs didn’t exist. Oh, mechanics were familiar with busted fasteners. Prior to torque wrenches, factory tools often had handles of specific lengths, with the understanding that “cheater pipes” were not to be used and that an average man of...