The Rust Belt and the Salt Belt may sound similar, and you might even hear them used interchangeably, but they are distinct names that any automotive professional or enthusiast should know. Take a few seconds to get the real story on these terms.
EVs go through tires quicker: here’s what that means for your shop.
A few things to bear in mind considering the increased wear on tires.
Separate gasket – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)
Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to require a separate gasket for installation?
Smarter, not harder: relative compression testing
Analyzing a new trick I learned from an old dog.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Brake drum – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)
What do you check during drum brake service?
What is a core charge?
A little glimpse into the world of making old parts new.
How do you inspect a serpentine belt for wear?
Inspection of a belt goes beyond the old standbys of checking for cracks and fraying.
Brake rotor thickness variation – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)
On a car with disc brakes, what is the most likely symptom of a vehicle with rotors that measured out-of-spec for thickness variation when measured at several places on the rotor surface?
The importance of testing engine coolant (VIDEO)
Peter Meier discusses the importance of testing coolant and how mechanics can use simple strip testers to keep cooling systems safe.
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Fuel pump designs are changing. Do you know what kind of fuel pump you’re troubleshooting?
Many vehicles today have made the switch to DC brushless fuel pumps. They don’t work like the older brush-type pumps do.
Transfer cases: Married vs. divorced FAQ (VIDEO)
When two transfer cases love each other very much…
New to the team but not new to the business (VIDEO)
A Master Technician and nationally known trainer joins the Shop Press family. Say hello to Pete Meier!
Square drive: make or buy before you need ‘em
Female metric square drive plugs were new to me. They might be to you, too.
Customer states truck was vandalized… Do you know what happened here? (VIDEO)
Each line item confirms it—cheating doesn’t pay.
Rust exhaust hole – ASE practice questions (VIDEO)
Which of the following is the most critical result of a rust hole in an exhaust system?
Before selling a vehicle, make sure to remove personal data (VIDEO)
Smartphones, laptops, and computers are normally cleared of all data before selling or discarding to protect personal information.
Dust Cap Tool Explained (VIDEO)
How many times have you seen a hub dust cap with ugly dents from a sloppy installation? A dust cap tool is a handy tool for installing caps on customer vehicles without damaging the cap’s appearance.