by Shop Press Staff | May 11, 2023
Aries: Your service writer will be keeping you busy this month, and you’ll need to keep your focus to avoid burnout. Pay special attention to the effects of distractions around you. Some coworkers have a way of keeping you from your work for a little longer than you...
by Jonathan Roth | Apr 27, 2023
Everyone likes informative, interesting, or funny social media accounts. Here are a few entertaining ones about cars and the people who repair them. And don’t forget to follow us, too, at the following accounts: Follow Follow Follow Follow Follow MotorCity...
by Bryan Joslin | Apr 25, 2023
For some folks it’s fishing. For others it’s golf. But when I feel like dropping off the grid for a couple hours of “me” time, I head out for a walk in the park—in the junkyard. Actually let me clarify that, because not all junkyards are the kind of junkyard where I...
by Mike Principato | Apr 18, 2023
In my line of work it helps if you like cars. It helps even more if you love ‘em. Which I do, and far more than they deserve to be loved as inanimate objects. That misplaced affection—along with the fact that I bore easily—also helps explain why I’ve had so many....
by Shop Press Staff | Mar 9, 2023
Aries: The rhythm in your current workflow gives stability and predictability. Don’t lose it! Your service writer will have plenty of work for you soon. Lean on your focus to plow through your list of tasks, and use any down time to organize your personal space. You...
by Shop Press Staff | Mar 7, 2023
TECHNICIAN CHALLENGE: The Mystery Box Description So much in the repair world relies upon feel—but it’s not so often you don’t have sight to aid you in your work. Watch as a few Dormanites attempt to identify auto parts using just the sense of touch and...