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Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle.

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Making custom coiled wire is easier than you think (VIDEO)

Description Coiled wire is a smart idea for adding service loops or mechanical strain relief on automotive electrical jobs or other projects. In three easy steps, you can make your own coiled wire sections for all kinds of applications.

Choosing the right brake fluid

You know topping off brake fluid is generally a no-no, but when a customer’s brake fluid needs to be flushed completely, knowing what to put in the reservoir isn’t as clear-cut as it once was. The master cylinder cap may say the vehicle uses DOT 4 brake fluid, but are...

ICYMI: Secondary hood prop positions

Today’s article might score a little lower on technical difficulty and higher on automobilia esoterica, but I make no apologies. In my salad days, I worked as a dismantler at a salvage yard. Pulling motors was commonplace, so I learned quickly about this tip I’m sure...

Automotive terms that differ in other English-speaking countries

As a public service to all of our readers, we thought it would be helpful to take a look at some of the common (and not so common) differences between everyday automotive terms used in different English-speaking countries, as this can easily come up when reading or...

LT-series vs. P-series tires

The truck and SUV have never been more prolific than they are today. These vehicles need remarkably different tires depending on a few different factors. Be honest: are you selective about what tire you offer your customers who qualify as “fringe cases?” P-series...

If you have a soldering iron, you need a solder sucker (VIDEO)

Description When an automotive repair involves solder, it often involves desoldering too. Removing old solder is a crucial part of preparing a component for a new soldered connection, and a desolder pump (often called a solder sucker) is the ideal tool for the job. It...

Godspeed, Pat

Godspeed, Pat

Pat Goss died on March 19, 2022, at the age of 77. Pat owned auto repair shops in Maryland, and he also was heard on the radio, where he hosted multiple car shows. Pat also made a weekly appearance on YouTube for many years, but you probably know him best for the...
Meet the best auto tech in the United States

Meet the best auto tech in the United States

When Logan Brown first heard about a national auto technician skills competition, he was slightly skeptical. “Who the hell’s going to pay a technician $40,000 to show off his skills?” he said recently. The answer was the first annual U.S. Auto Tech National...