You know what bump steer is. Where does it originate?

Nick and Lemmy again try their darnedest at hip-shooting responses to Reddit questions.
Power transmission brawn starts with brains.
Fashion moves faster than block design, but trends still exist. What’s the next one?
Every mechanic has a story about a vehicle that was too nasty to work on. What’s your limit?
Do rising car prices portend rising service life?
Like corded phones, floppy disks and TVs with antennas, the Check Engine icon doesn’t make sense anymore. Let’s change it.
When released from captivity, these things will give ya a case of the spins.
I was raised in times and places where it was considered a mark of pride to get the job done, no matter the risk to your own body. That, friends, is bunk.
In my salvage yard days, I learned a trick I still use today that’s the fastest method in the world, hands down.
Turning all jobs into team efforts promotes knowledge transfer to the less-experienced techs, who pay tuition in physical labor.
Here’s an easy guerilla marketing trick to get your customer counts up by selling on your days off.
Everyone knows about sedans and pickups, but what about shooting brakes and pony cars? Here’s an incomplete guide to the rarer designs on the road.