When placing an airbag on a workbench, which is the safest direction for it to face? We have the answer.

We read the astrological signs and predicted your automotive future.
Ford’s so-called fix for servicing corroded front springs was something neither drivers nor dealer techs were happy about.
Stop telling your customers otherwise—modern fuel systems don’t care.
Engine oil is a lubricant, but that’s not what the task’s title is referencing.
You don’t need to do anything—but if you do, there are only a few things worth doing.
Every tech has a story. What’s yours?
For decades, VW served its workers a unique German dish that I had to try for myself: currywurst.
What does your shop use? Where are you? Can you help us make a map?
Does the shop retain right of first refusal, or is moonlighting A-OK?
Here are a few things consider before taking on work that falls beyond the scope of repair or maintenance.
If your waiting room stinks, so does waiting in it.
Mary Walton’s 1997 look behind the scenes of the Ford Taurus shows the human side of car production.