Smartphones, laptops, and computers are normally cleared of all data before selling or discarding to protect personal information.
Top 5 mechanical oddities on RHD vehicles, and how to deal with them if one rolls into your shop
Working on a right-hand drive vehicle requires deviating slightly from a mechanic’s routine.
The only two mistakes you can make on your first timing belt job (and why you shouldn’t worry about them)
T-belts aren’t scary at all.
Ten (sort of serious) questions every service writer should ask
Skillful interrogation is a wonderful way to make your professional life easier. Here are a few suggestions on where to start.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
How to choose a memory saver tool for cars and trucks
These simple tools can be worth their weight in gold if you know how to use ‘em.
The right way to apply PTFE tape (VIDEO)
PTFE tape is essential for threaded connections that need a good seal.
A cheap bore scope is your best friend for prepurchase inspections
Saving time and labor while giving PPI customers a clear picture.
Tired of dead 9V batteries? Convert to rechargeables! (VIDEO)
If you have tools that use 9 volt batteries, it’s cheap and easy to convert them to rechargeable batteries. Watch to learn how it’s done!
Test fuses without removal! (VIDEO)
How to test for blown fuses in a car or truck | Fast and easy method
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
Mechanic trivia: Which vehicle has a longer passenger side wiper blade? (VIDEO)
Almost every vehicle on the road has a longer wiper blade on the driver side. On older vehicles, you’ll also see two of the same size wipers working together. But can you think of any models that have the longer wiper blade on the passenger side?
Torque wrench vs. torque stick for installing wheels (VIDEO)
What tools do you trust when installing wheels on a vehicle? The trusty torque wrench, or the straightforward torque sticks? Or maybe both?
A 3-minute video kept me from going ballistic over a $3,000 repair
Here’s 4 reasons you should consider putting them to work at your shop.
Service writers vs. technicians (VIDEO)
Examining the differences (and similarities) between these key roles in the automotive service industry.
EPA emergency action allows nationwide summer sales of E15 gasoline
Get ready for an increase in fuel system corrosion repairs on older vehicles and small engines.
Torches for courses: which heating tools should a mechanic own?
Supplement your shop’s oxyacetylene torch with alternatives.
More ways to use oil pan alignment pins around the shop! (VIDEO)
These handy tools can are useful for all kinds of alignment tasks involving covers, pans, and gaskets.
A few tips for ball joint removal
If you’re a budding technician, a few of these pointers might help ya during front end work.