You ARE accounting for them, right?

There are applications for shims besides fixing camber and panel gaps.
Faults in the car pay you. Faults in the scanner cost you.
Especially for your mechanically-inclined clientele, sometimes a fingerful of clean grease is a lifesaver.
A fellow YouTuber recommended it. Why not give it a try?
They look the same, but serve different roles. Here are the very specific scenarios where the lesser-known parallel connector shines.
One basic vehicle checkover has several lessons to teach.
“Rebuild in a can” is not the right way to fix the tool, but it will get you by until you can repair it correctly.
T-belts aren’t scary at all.
Skillful interrogation is a wonderful way to make your professional life easier. Here are a few suggestions on where to start.
Don’t break fittings—break ‘em free.
That old smartphone can actually help when you don’t have a second set of eyes to help out.
Proper tooling and techniques are critical to repairing threads—and if you’re a mechanic, neither are marketed well to you.