Do you have a study guide to prepare for your ASE exams? Which parts of that study guide do you use the most? Dorman Training Center instructor Pete Meier explains.

When two transfer cases love each other very much…
A Master Technician and nationally known trainer joins the Shop Press family. Say hello to Pete Meier!
Female metric square drive plugs were new to me. They might be to you, too.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
The struggle is real for many of your customers.
Supplement your shop’s oxyacetylene torch with alternatives.
These handy tools can are useful for all kinds of alignment tasks involving covers, pans, and gaskets.
If you’re a budding technician, a few of these pointers might help ya during front end work.
We assembled a list of common and confusing advice, then asked the gang to weigh in on some very questionable practices.
Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.
Auto care news and advice you can use.
This surefire solution really stinks.
There are a lot of ways to approach the business of servicing the car in front of you. Which one is king?
If your customers can’t easily find your location, hours, or contact information, you’ll clearly struggle to earn their business. Here is a tip to help.
Think you know your dash lights? Shop Press contributors Keith, Miriam, Chris, and Greaser try their best to identify all kinds of lights, symbols, and indicators.
Spark plugs have a tough enough job to do—don’t make it any harder by servicing them improperly!
If you’re an experienced technician, you may feel as though you’ve seen everything, but don’t let your knowledge prevent you from learning more.
Especially for your mechanically-inclined clientele, sometimes a fingerful of clean grease is a lifesaver.
A fellow YouTuber recommended it. Why not give it a try?