Shop Press

Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle.

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Hot Off the Press

Trailer bearings: a hidden moneymaker for auto repair shops

You already can see where I’m going with this based on the title. Trailers are the simplest things in the world, and yet unless you’re at an RV shop, a dedicated trailer shop, or you live in a rural or coastal area (ag and marine use), you probably rarely see trailers...

What it’s like being a new tech in 2022 (VIDEO)

Description Torque specs. Electronics diagnostics. Foreign automobiles. 12V electrical systems. TPMS sensors. Disc brakes. 0W16 oil. All of the aforementioned technologies were changes that occurred in the automotive industry that changed the business and altered what...

It’s time to stop salting the roads

  I was just thinking today that my “fun vehicle” window is closing soon; this is the period of the year where I’ll drive or ride anything I own. Old vehicles don’t stand a chance in the salt belt. Anyone I know who has anything nice keeps it far away from...

Nine notable “cars” that aren’t cars

Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of Polaris Slingshots on the road. OK, not a ton of them, but I do take notice of them when I see them. Usually it makes me think, “What is the deal with those things? Are they cars or not?” When I looked into it, I discovered there...

Easy trick to transfer gear oil with a simple length of hose (VIDEO)

A fluid transfer pump is the cleanest and easiest way to fill a differential, transmission or transfer case with its necessary fluid.



Auto care news and advice you can use.


Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.


Auto care news and advice you can use.

LT-series vs. P-series tires

LT-series vs. P-series tires

The truck and SUV have never been more prolific than they are today. Learn when to sell each type of these tires.