Removing old solder is a crucial part of preparing a component for a new soldered connection, and a desolder pump (often called a solder sucker) is the ideal tool for the job.

I really hope the whole week doesn’t go like this.
We read the astrological signs and predicted your automotive future.
Ford’s so-called fix for servicing corroded front springs was something neither drivers nor dealer techs were happy about.
Stop telling your customers otherwise—modern fuel systems don’t care.
Engine oil is a lubricant, but that’s not what the task’s title is referencing.
You don’t need to do anything—but if you do, there are only a few things worth doing.
Every tech has a story. What’s yours?
For decades, VW served its workers a unique German dish that I had to try for myself: currywurst.
What does your shop use? Where are you? Can you help us make a map?
Does the shop retain right of first refusal, or is moonlighting A-OK?
Here are a few things consider before taking on work that falls beyond the scope of repair or maintenance.
If your waiting room stinks, so does waiting in it.