Shop Press

Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle.

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Hot Off the Press

November Automotive Horoscopes

Aries: You’ve been stubborn lately, but that’s not always profitable, especially with diag work. You’ve been footloose and fancy-free, doing whatever you want. That has to stop due to financial constraints. Deal with your unresolved monetary issues; the shop’s success...

What type of part should you use to repair a car?

Today Greaser joins Nick as they discuss rebuilding, repairing, and replacing parts and which items they select for each job. Nick manages the Dorman Proving grounds and has owned his own performance shop. Andy is bringing a new perspective to the table today as a...

Is side work OK for service techs?

Do you do side work? If you do, is that OK? There are tons of reasons for and against doing work outside the shop. I think my views have changed a little as I’ve been in the game a little longer, but this aspect of the job is contentious. I’ve heard various rationale,...

Ranking the best fictional TV mechanics

TV and automobiles were both major forces in America in the mid- to late-20th century, so it’s perhaps no surprise that mechanics are regular characters throughout the history of television. But which ones are the best? Let’s find out with this completely unscientific...

Jeep Spotter’s Guide (VIDEO)

Description If you can't tell DJs (2WD variant of the CJ) from PJs (the clothes you wear to bed), this is the video for you. Watch as Nick quickly walks you through identifying features of the Jeep. He covers the major iterations of America's 4x4. Become a Wrangler...

Does your shop handle performance work?

If you turn wrenches for a living, odds are good you’ve either hopped up your own ride at some point or had someone ask you to hotrod theirs. (Or maybe you’ve done it virtually.) The work is often fun and rewarding on a Saturday afternoon. But in the shop? There are a...

Easy trick to transfer gear oil with a simple length of hose (VIDEO)

A fluid transfer pump is the cleanest and easiest way to fill a differential, transmission or transfer case with its necessary fluid.



Auto care news and advice you can use.


Shop Press is the news and idea hub for everything related to working on cars and trucks, focusing on repair, technology, and wrenching lifestyle. With interesting stories from around the world, features on creative people and solutions, and all kinds of other stuff that’ll make you use your mind and your hands.


Auto care news and advice you can use.